Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

I want to start at the beginning, before the miraculous birth, before the prophets, before Moses, before everything was created. Jesus was there with His Father and the Holy Spirit in the beginning. They were together from eternal past and will be together for eternal future. God knew that when He created mankind that we would need a savior. Long before mankind ever sinned Jesus knew one day He would die on the cross for us. He loved us and forgave us long before we were ever born. John 1: 1-3 says  1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. Jesus himself said 58 “Very truly I tell you,” “before Abraham was born, I am!”

Jesus showed himself to many during the Old Testament.  He revealed himself to Moses through a burning bush where he says “I am The Great I Am”, before this it was Christ that wrestled with Jacob and changed his name to Israel.  God used many types to show us about the coming Messiah, my personal favorite is the Passover Lamb which shows us the need for a blood sacrifice to cover our sins; it also says a little about how Jesus would die, not one bone on the lamb could be broken and when Jesus died not one bone was broken on His body.

 Our savior started out his life with a miracle when he was born to a virgin and is the only son of God. The greatness  continued from our Lord. When you think of the fact that Jesus was the Son of God you might think that he would be born into a life of luxury, yet he was born in a manger without anyone there to worship this mighty birth. At a distance Angels told some shepherds what was happening than the angels worshiped the Baby Jesus from a far. After He was born and before He was, two wise men came to worship Him this shows the gentiles involvement in our Lord’s life. The  Jewish religious leaders must be too busy with their externals to concern themselves with the baby messiah or maybe Jesus did not fit into their plans at this time.

We do not know much about our Lord’s childhood, we know a little about when he was twelve, but other than that all the information we have is that he grew in wisdom and stature and grew in favor with God and man.

Around the time Jesus turned 30 He started His public ministry, He traveled around Palestine performing many many miracles. As a matter of fact one of His close Disciples John stated that if everything the Lord did was written down the Earth would not be big enough to hold the books. If that is not proof of God’s approval of his son’s ministry I’m not sure what would be, unless it is the simple fact that after Jesus died our death on the cross and God raised him from the dead inviting him to sit at His right hand in paradise.

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